Remove Widgets
Remove the clutter from the WordPress dashboard and remove all – or individual dashboard widgets
Create Widgets
Replace the default WordPress widgets with your own to give the WordPress dashboard a more meaningful use.
Client Dashboard
Build a customized dashboard for your clients for the ultimate customer experience.
Remove Widgets
Remove the clutter from the WordPress dashboard and get rid of all – or individual dashboard widgets.
Create Widgets
Create a WordPress Client Dashboard and replace the default WordPress widgets with your text, icon & HTML widgets.
Login Customizer
Customize & rebrand the WordPress login screen with full control directly within the WordPress customizer.
Clean up WordPress
Declutter the WordPress admin area and remove things like the “Help” tab, “Screen Options” tab & much more!
Welcome Panel
Easily customize the content of the default WordPress welcome panel.
Custom CSS
Add your own custom CSS to the WordPress Dashboard, entire WordPress admin area and WordPress login screen.